Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baby pictures

We were all young once.
The world was filled with wonder.
You can see the innocence and trust. 
Those baby cheeks and that uncluttered gaze. 

And then that baby had babies...here is my youngest learning about the world around her  - or putting rocks down the storm drain - it's all about perspective...

My middle daughter is graduating from college this year.  This was the day she learned to walk - she was ten months old. Never one to sit still...
And then there's my boy.  I can still hear his giggle.  He grew up to be an engineer.  I blame the legos.  Now he's in love and thinking about his own future.

Go catch a snowflake on your tongue, roll in the grass, or climb a tree.  Draw with crayons, dance and sing to whatever music fills you with joy.  Just be.  That baby child isn't gone.  I still look into the world with those same eyes - I just sometimes don't let myself really see what is right in front of me.

The world is filled with wonder.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful children we make! And what a beautiful little girl you were too, surrounded by all those diapers!
